
In this blog, I will be informing you about the top ten worst disasters in my opinion. There will be information about the disaster, why I think its one of the worst and other information such as how I think it could've been avoided.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Hurricane Katrina #10

I wanted to start off my blog with a very well known natural disaster. As the title says, its Hurricane Katrina. Its said to be one of the deadliest hurricanes to ever hit the United States to date. It was formed about 200 miles from the Bahamas Augest 23, 2005 and was only considered a tropical storm. As it was making its way down to Florida, it stopped over the Gulf of Mexico and gaining a lot of speed. Reaching wind speeds up to 175 mph overseas which is a Category 5 and when it hit land, slowed to 140 mph a Category 3. Hitting alongside the border between Louisiana and Mississippi Augest 29. After reaching around the center of Mississippi it was said to be a Category 1 then after six hours, the horrible storm then was difined as a tropical storm and finally dissipated and was absorbed by a frontal zone.  Causing over 100 billion in U.S. dollars between the winds destroying houses, throwing things and the massive flooding. They say an estimated 1,833 people were killed by the hurricane, mostly by the flooding. The flooding caused by the hurricane when it would destroy the weak levees and drainage cannals was more devistating than the hurricane itself. It caused most of the casualties and the damage which is to me, very surprising. 80% of New Orleans was completely flooded and some of the surounded area. New Orleans is 350 sq miles, 80% of that is 280. 280 sq miles of New Orleans was supmerged in water, to me that's a little scary to think that a storm that started with winds of 40 mph winds could do such a thing. 

Here is a picture of some of the flooded area caused by Hurricane Katrina
Here is a picture of some of the flooding caused 
by Hurricane Katrina.

To me, this is absolutely one of the worst natural disasters that has ever been recorded in history. Its not at all the fact that it has a higher casualtie count, its the amount of damage asnd the potential that this storm could've had. This storm caused the gouverment of the United States over 100 000 000 000 dollars, a 12 digit number, that's huge in my opinion. Seeing the information about this hurricane makes me realise something, it could've been a lot worse then people may think and that scrares me a little. Remember how I had mentioned that Hurricane Katrina had mannaged to become a Cat. 5 hurricane as it stopped over the Gulf of Mexico and that it lowered down before making landfall? Now imagine if it the winds didn't slow down, imagine if it didn't lower to a Cat. 3 and it stayed a Cat. 5 with winds of 175 mph instead of 140 mph. How much deadlier would Hurricane Katrina have become? According to my math, it would've become 1.25X stronger. Thats an extra 25 billion dollars and 438 dead people. That's horrible, but let's be thankful that it did slow down before it hit Louisiana and Mississippi. Im going to be honest, the people of New Orleans and others are very stupid. In the past century between 1915 and 2005, there has been 6 hurricanes that have flooded New Orleans. Now I got to thinking, if that has happened in the past, you'd think that they would have come up with a good mesure to diminish the casualties and the damage. Now i don't doubt that they have, but I think they'd have it down by like the fourth time this has happened. since this is a recurring event, they should be prepared whenever they think a hurricane is about to hit. What's that expression? Ah yes, better safe then sorry. If there is a storm that is amassing somewhere that has the possibility to go up and hit the area, they should prepare to diminish the overall damage. It took the storm around six days to go from the Bahamas to Mississippi and such. I think that;s enough time to prepare for  it don't you think? To conclude, this was definetly one of the worst disasters and most damaging, but i really think it could've been worse but on the other side it could've also been less effecting.   

Here's a time lapse of the path that Hurricane
Katrina took from beginning to end.



  1. Hey Jared! I am glad that you have this opinion of Katrina. You're right: it's a recurring event and preventive measures should be taken. However, maybe the people of New Orleans are still recovering from Katrina and don't have the funding to do something for protection. What did the U.S. government do about Katrina in the following days? Is this relevant for them today? Maybe some precautions would be taken today if Congress cared about climate change! We saw a lot of their neglect in that movie, An Inconvenient Truth, from science class. Anyway, I can't wait until you get to natural disaster #1!

    1. Im sorry if I may have confused you a little on my opinion of New Orleans but i said that you think they should've been ready or had some sort of big preperation for not only Hurricane Katrina but others because they have been hit and flooded multiple times. If a state has been flooded by multiple hurricanes over the years, don't you think that they would be a little prepared for it? On another note, would you rather pay $50 billion to secure the city from a hurricane or spend $100 billion over and over again fixing the city?

  2. I really like this post. I found it very interesting and you were able to put your opinion on the subject of Hurricane Katrina very well. But there is a lot of statistics and I would've liked to see more elaboration on your opinion and if you had any stories about the event.

  3. Yo Jar head. First of all, I'd like to say that I am the first comment on your blog. Secondly you're blog looks pretty cool so far. I really like how you added a picture and a video about Hurricane Katrina, however I had a hard time understanding what your point of view was on this situation so if you could clarify that would be great

    1. To answer your question Matt, my opinion of it was why I thought the hurricane was so deadly which was because of the massive damage that it left as well as the giant flooding that happened in New Orleans. I also left my opinion of how much worse it could've been if it made landfall as a Category 5 and how i find that New Orleans should've been more prepared to take on the hurricane.

  4. Whoa Jared! This topic is super interesting. I didn't know a lot of this information about Hurricane Katrina until now. This blog makes me want to learn about more of the world's worst natural disasters. If Hurricane Katrina was number ten, I'm really looking forward on seeing what is number one! Good job!!

  5. Hey guys I really am greatful for all the positive comments that you have left on my blog and I find the improvement comments very helpful because it will tell me what I need to improve in the future posts of my blog. Im sorry about something, I wanted to clairify that the events may not get any worse as it is just a blog for natural disasters but i will leave the worst natural disaster for last so keep reading.

  6. Hey Jared! I think your blog is really cool. I like how start of with statistics and you finish off with your opinion. I absolutely agree with you on the fact that people should start realizing the patterns and start getting prepared for natural disasters. News travels fast and it should've been very helpful to the point of maybe having less damage from the natural disaster. Are you going to blog about natural disaster in the world or just North America? I can't wait to see which disaster you're going to blog about next.

  7. I loved reading the blog and hope to learn more about natural disasters in the world. Personally not knowing much about the topic at hand I could learn a thing or two on here. Good job on the blog.
