
In this blog, I will be informing you about the top ten worst disasters in my opinion. There will be information about the disaster, why I think its one of the worst and other information such as how I think it could've been avoided.

Monday, February 22, 2016

2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami #9

I just wanted to say a few things before I start the next blog post, and I have a good one for you guys. Last post, I had put a lot of information regarding Hurricane Katrina which is really good but as we were told in class, it has to be 90% opinion bassed. don't get me wrong there's going to be some information, there's just not going to be as much as last time. If you guys want to know more about the next disaster, I will post a link under this paragraph to direct you to a good site where I got some of my information and you guys can always look at the sources that I post at the end of the post. Thank you guys for reading my blog and I really hope to keep you guys as viewers.

Finally, the moment you've all been waiting for... this disaster will be (if you haven't read the title which is unlikely but i do this for anticipation...) the 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami. Let me tell you guys and girlds, from what i can see already, this is going to be a good one trust me.

We all know what tsunamis are, but if you don't I will try and explain in my own words what it is. So they're basically giant waves caused by earthquakes kinda like the ones you see at the beach or that surfers surf on in the movies but think about them if they are at least 4 times bigger and wider and has the capability to kill people, damage/bury cities and topple buildings. Scary right? I think so, heck I'd be terrified if one came coming at me.

Here's a random tsunami that I found on google images. This 
image honestly made me shiver, but it's the reality of what 
tsunamis are and the capabilities of destruction on a city. 

This tsunami happened December 26, 2004 in the Indian ocean. Ummmmm, i actually cried when i saw this so i'm going to share it. Apprently this earthquake had "released the energy of 23,000 atomic bombs like the type dropped on Hiroshima". That is absolutely insane! That alone makes this one of the worst natural disasters in my books, but we are far from done my friends. It had a magnitude at the center of the earthquake of 9.0. The highest in the world is I think a 9.5 if i remember correctly, I'll have to watch San Andreas again to be sure. That's .6 away from having the biggest magnitude in the history ever recorded. According to my source, it shot out multiple tsunamis at the speed of a jet airliner. That is a speed on average of  885km/h. Now obviously they slowed down by the time they got to land but still that is pretty quick and that would have caused a lot of damage if it kept up a speed like that by the time it hit land. That would be absolutely devastating on any city, even ones that would have some defence against something like this.

A picture of the Indian ocean to give an idea where this 
happened and what areas were mostly affected by this disaster. 

This tsunami in total had between 14 countries a death toll of around 150,000 people. That is huge but thats not the worst of it because that's just from the tsunami and the tremble of the earthquake. The combined two have now flooded farms and stores where people can get food. Now, they have to worry about starvation because they now have less supplies for people but not dehydration since they have water everywhere! (that was dark my bad) They say at the end, over 200,00 people died. That's a lot more than Katina over 109 times the death in this disaster. just the sheer number of deaths that were caused by this disaster is unsettling to me. Just imagine, pretty much all of windsor, dead. Just like that in the matter of a day or two. And that's just death tolls. Many more were injured in this either by the water or falling buildings. Honestly, I really don't think they're could've been much avoiding this. It happened in a short period of time. To me, they're would've been no time to escape unless you're not near the water. All they could've done was prey.

        A video of the tsunami hitting the beach.

Enough of this depressing subject. toon in next time kids where if you leave a disaster in the comments, I'm going to do a blog on it. First come, First served so comment now if not, it's probaly going to be as depressing as this one.

-             (again)
-The movie: San Andreas


  1. Hey Jared, First of all I'd like to say that you're second post was really interesting, but I noticed you forgot how to spell pray at the end of your paragraphe. Might want to fix that, anyway, I think it would be better if you made the next one a little less depressing, not sure if that's possible but I think you should try it. Anyway, I think you should do your next one on the Earthquakes in Haïti (I think that's how you spell it).

  2. Hey Jared! This tsunami is pretty scary, and I can't believe we're still at #9! I knew of the tsunami but not of its aftermaths... thank goodness we live where tectonic plate action isn't very active. Anyway, about people picking a disaster for you next post.. shouldn't you already have one because you're counting down the 10 worst disasters IN YOUR OPINION? Well, whatever. Monsieur probably won't read this and because you may or may not need a disaster, I think you should analyse the New Zealand earthquake from 2011. Here's a link: It's the 12th disaster. I like reading your blog, keep writing! I especially like that you've taken the initiative to write more opinion, as Monsieur said. Inspires me to do the same! Wonderful post!
