Now I know what you're thinking, "But Jared!!! The black Death (or as some people call it the black plague or bubonic plague) isn't a natural disaster!!! What are you? Some sort of person that's not as smart as me?" First of all, you're right. I'm not as smart as you. Congrats!!! But I'm way smarter person with below average intelligence. Second of all, the plague happened naturally. Even though it's a disease, it's still considered a disaster so be quiet and let me finish my last post geez.
Here is a picture of the doctors that helped treat the plagues at that period in time. They were called
plague doctors for their ability to fight the plague more effectively than other doctors.
It had begun in 1346 and ended in 1353. Named one of the most deadly plagues known to earth and now it has become my number one natural disaster! Ooh, shouldn't get excited about this.... This plague killed over 200 million people in Europe.

Like I said, they believed that good smelling things was the way to ward off the disease and save them yay! Oops, looks like they were wrong, and dead. One of the reasons which makes this disaster very deadly. By thinking that was the way to cure the plague, they stopped or at least slowed down the process to finding what really stopped the plague in which case made it so more people became infected by it and made it last longer. In all truth, they found out eventually what really caused the plague. It was rats who carried it and spread it.
Rats are one of the big reasons why the plague was so deadly.
Just as I said the rats have greatly affected how deadly the plague was compared to if it started on human beings. Boats were major modes of transportation in the 14th century. If people were infected, they'd get thrown off the boat. Since they can't tell and didn't know it was rats carrying the disease, it was hard to stop it. Also, rats are quite the nimble, cunning and quick rodents so their capability to spread the virus was greatly increased. Which brings un to our next point why it was dangerous, the speed. This plague quickly covered Europe and infected many people. The plague caused people to become bed ridden which stopped the speed at which a cure is found which makes this very deadly.
An image showing the year by year play on
the spreading of the virus. What speed!!!
That is why, I think, the black plague, deserves, to be, number 1, on my list, of the worlds, worst, disasters. Thank you to all my viewers and yes this is the last post once again. I'm happy to see people have learned off of my blog and maybe get a laugh or two. I hope you all enjoyed. See ya!
-Personal knowledge